American Hardscapes & Grading is a company that specializes in providing top quality landscaping services to residential and commercial clients throughout the greater Metro Atlanta area. Whether you’re looking for sod installation or turf replacement, we can help with your project. Our experts are trained in lawn care and maintenance, so you can rest assured that your new lawn will be well-maintained. We have over 20 years of experience installing turf grasses on properties across the city, so trust our experts to get the job done right! Redline Stone Solutions offers a full service sod installation. We can help you pick out the perfect sod for your yard and make sure it is installed correctly. It`s been proven that when planting sod, if fertilizer goes directly to the roots, it will result in a healthier lawn from day one. We use this technique as well as hand raking and rolling after laying down your new lawn to ensure healthy root-to-earth contact.
We offer free estimates on any project over $500 so call today!